Monday, 10 August 2015

The Beginning of My "Minimalist" Journey!

This past year I feel like I can truly say that I've found myself.

My whole life I've been searching for happiness and trying to live the life I was "supposed" to live, but something was still missing...

 According to society you should be happy when you have a successful career, own a nice home, a  nice vehicle and a bunch of "stuff". Why wasn't I truly happy if I had everything I was supposed to have?

The moment I let go of society's expectations and definition of success I felt a huge wave of relief rush over me. I didn't have to impress anyone other than myself. It took a long time for me to get over this. Some days I'm not sure if I completely have, but I do know that I am on the right path.

Everyone will find happiness a different way, the important thing is that you find it at all. It saddens me to see so many unhappy people in this world, thinking that this is it.

THIS is life.

It's not! Go for your dream, take a risk. YOU are in charge of your destiny. Sometimes it doesn't go the way you plan but I promise you that in the long run you won't regret trying.

This past January my husband and I downsized a LOT but still keep hanging on to a bunch of stuff that doesn't bring us joy. We  finally both feel that we are now ready to be done with it and move on with our lives. We want to be free of all the STUFF holding us down!

I encourage everyone to let go of what society is telling you that you need to do or have. Do ONLY what feels right to YOU.

Although I am only beginning and don't necessarily plan on going as far as counting the items I own, I only want to surround myself with items that I love and that have a purpose in my life. To me, that is the definition of minimalism. Although, I must say I am extremely impressed by those that can pack up their life in 15 minutes flat!!

I hope you all can join me on my journey and share your experiences with me as well!

Minimalist Journey - Happily Ever Green

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