Hey Everyone!
I am constantly looking for new and better ways to green up my house. It is important to me to try and reduce my carbon footprint and to do my part to try and "save the earth"! The best thing about being "green" is that it usually saves you money! That's a win, win for me! :)
Here are my five favourite, tried and true ways.
1. Compost! I have a little compost container that I keep under the kitchen sink, it has a carbon filter so it doesn't smell at all but you could use anything from a paper bag, cardboard box or bowl. I empty mine into my compost pile outside after supper every day.
2. Switch to LED light bulbs! These things are absolutely amazing! With regular use they will last 25 years and will you save you money each month on electricity. They now have multiple shapes, sizes and colours to choose from.
3. Recycle! In my laundry room I have 3 separate recycle bins: Bottles & Cans, Paper & Cardboard, Plastic. I live in a small town and don't have curbside pickup (yet!) but I take it to my local recycling center about once a month. Between this and composting you will see a HUGE reduction in your garbage!
4. Use water saving water faucets! When renovating be sure to purchase low flow faucets and shower heads, I promise you won't notice the difference! Fortunately most companies offer a water saving fixture nowadays! There is also the option of purchasing aerators to use with your current faucets and shower heads!
5. Caulk and Weatherstrip any drafty doors or windows! Not only does this save you money but it is good for the environment when using less oil, gas or energy to cool and heat your home. If you aren't sure where the leaks are in your home take a piece of incense and around to each door and window. If you notice the smoke blows sideways then you have an air leak!
How have you greened up your house? Be sure and share below!